Our Portfolio    Nokero

Nokero (No Kerosene) makes affordable solar lights, cell phone chargers and other products for communities living without stable access to electricity. Since 2010, Nokero has delivered more than 300,000 solar lights in over 120 countries around the world.

Nokero lights and chargers are currently being deployed through several types of outlets. Humanitarian aid organizations are using Nokero products in the aftermath of natural disasters and as a new distribution supply in rural areas they serve. Through disaster relief efforts, governments are providing light to those that don’t have electricity. Nokero is also implementing commercial partnerships— selling products in clean energy stores in Haiti, through a chain of bread bakeries in Fiji, and by door-to-door salespersons in India and Uganda.

Around the world, Nokero provides a compelling small business opportunity for entrepreneurs – spurring local enterprise and reducing poverty, while at the same improving health, greening the environment and empowering communities.


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